

A firm has designed a weapon that when 'in its locked position will be virtually undetectable because it hides in plain sight'. Ideal Conceal is awaiting patent approval for a double barreled, .380 caliber pistol that folds down into what appears to be a smartphone with a mock camera lens and headphones jack
via 下同

Ideal Conceal公司發明了這款「超隱密手槍」,槍管採雙管設計,可一次射擊兩顆0.38的子彈!槍身上的相鏡鏡頭與耳機孔則堪稱完美偽裝,讓它看起來就跟一般的智慧型手機一模一樣!

The firearm is being advertised as a lightweight one-piece frame with a hammerless firing system and made with locally produced parts -- right here in America. As soon as you turn the safety off, the grip swings open and the 'smartphone' transforms into a fully loaded weapon


The firm says that since smartphones (pictured) are everywhere, the pistol will 'easily blend in with today's environment', allowing you to carry and no one will know it.  Just as a smartphone can clip to your pocket or belt loop, Ideal Conceal has added a clip to the side of the piece

Ideal Conceal則從「安全」角度來宣傳這款讓他們相當自豪的產品,他們甚至說最好的槍「就是你身邊唾手可得那把」!而且只要它回到原本的形狀,就幾乎沒人會查覺它是一把槍!不僅可以完美隱入環境,大小也非常適合隨身攜帶,只要解開保險栓,立馬就能在危險狀態時保護自己和家人的安全!

Just as a smartphone can clip to your pocket or belt loop, Ideal Conceal has added a clip to the side of the piece – allowing you to hide it in plain sight. Ideal Concept has made claims on social media that the pistol will be available for sale in mid-2016 at a list price of $395.00 – but only if the patent is approved

不過,目前這款手槍並未被批準上市,Ideal Conceal希望能在2016年中順利取得販賣許可,售價則會訂在美金395元,折合台幣13000元。與一台智慧型手機的價格相去無幾。

There have been other claims that his gun was devised by criminals as a way to trick for police officers. Karl de la Guerra, CEO at KDI Protective Services of South Carolina, did reach out on social media warning officers of 'a pistol that presents itself like a cell phone, but rapidly turns into a double barrel .380 with laser'

